Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Plan

Raman had finally devised a way to get rid of Nisha. He would throw her from the 6th floor of the apartment in the middle of the night after getting her thoroughly drunk.
She looked at him with pitiable eyes of a dog. How he loathed it! No, she was not a dog, she was better, she was a bitch. Ha! Ha! One that he could ride when he was in heat and then throw her aside and turn around and sleep, and dream of Ashu…his Ashu…
Ashu’s parents would never accept him if he just left her. He cannot help it.
All he needed was 2 yrs more and this bloody bitch was getting restless…
But he was in luck, as the bitch still stood straight holding the table while he punched her back. Damn. She never uttered a cry. He shouldn’t push his luck more, he could sense it. If he ultimately had to do what he had to do, he would marry the bitch and bring her home and then throw her to the street dogs below.
Ashu…Ashu would walk into his home, and then it would be her home too, their world.
He would tear away all the old walls and build each inch of the house just as Ashu would want it. He would go shopping with her while she laughed and picked and chose the colours of the walls, the curtains, the bedsheets…their bedsheets…

Adi was breathing hard, real hard and it seemed to him the whole world was looking at him while he half-walked, half ran with his tall lanky legs, as fast as they could carry him. They could hear…Oh..they could hear his heart beating so loud like someone was hammering a wall down. Neeraj had called him some 10 minutes back or hundred years ago and said- It’s your day, you dog!
Nisha was not well, she had a bad headache and her throat was so hoarse that she could hardly talk, he had suggested the medicines, but as her parents were out for the evening, Neeraj had said that he is sending the medicines with Adi. Adi would go and give her the medicines.
Adi reached her house and rang the bell. She opened the door.
Adi pulled his breath inside and stopped breathing. Nisha stood wearing a pair of blue shorts and a mauve tee. Barefoot. She tried speaking but couldn’t, Adi let out his breath finally and threw his hands ahead and somehow muttered - Its okay. Don’t talk. Your medicines.
Nisha looked at him for a brief long moment. They stood silently. Then she made a sign for him to come inside. He followed her shadow and reached somewhere.
Nisha sat down on the couch, the floor caved in from under Adi’s feet and he was sitting at her feet holding her legs. His fingers brushed against the silk of her skin. He exploded inside his head and his body was in spasms. Her face was tilted down and he could see her beautiful face and those black diamond eyes. Adi held her knee like it was the last floating twig on the ocean in which he was drowning. He rested his face on it and looked up.
He would break the bastard’s thick neck with his bare hands if only a few drops would fall.


  1. oh how do you weave such plots? love, hatred, some more love..betrayal even..amazed..that is all

  2. Damn Adi. There he comes into my "peace-with-pain", and shows me hope.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. stretch it a bit more.. is what i would suggest .. may be something like.. *was it the pool of blood he was drowning in or the drop of blood from her eyes that he was waiting for .. *

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank u all..
    @Turbulent... u are not less amazing yourself..
    @Twish..U know what I want to say exactly, to you.
    @j0j0.. u can stretch it for me or for you and make it whatever you want to make of it..

  7. Amazing it is, as it is lugubrious; love for one might give rise to hatred for another, keeping one's trust might compel one to betray another. Strangely simple, beautifully hideous.
    Humans. Instincts. Actions. Consequences.

  8. this is like all our emotions entwined to form an ultimate froth of human behavior..its complex yet so simple..

  9. @Arrow..same as Scream.
    @Diapnajan... Yes. But not all. There are so many! But right now, can't think of any...
